================ changes of 'libSvtAv1Enc.so.1.4.1'=============== Functions changes summary: 0 Removed, 1 Changed (2 filtered out), 0 Added functions Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable 1 function with some indirect sub-type change: [C] 'function EbErrorType svt_av1_enc_init_handle(EbComponentType**, void*, EbSvtAv1EncConfiguration*)' at EbEncHandle.c:2427:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 3 of type 'EbSvtAv1EncConfiguration*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'typedef EbSvtAv1EncConfiguration' at EbSvtAv1Enc.h:934:1: underlying type 'struct EbSvtAv1EncConfiguration' at EbSvtAv1Enc.h:203:1 changed: type size changed from 13760 to 4416 (in bits) 5 data member deletions: 'uint32_t compressed_ten_bit_format', at offset 416 (in bits) at EbSvtAv1Enc.h:322:1 'uint32_t vbv_bufsize', at offset 1152 (in bits) at EbSvtAv1Enc.h:439:1 'PredictionStructureConfigEntry pred_struct[32]', at offset 3008 (in bits) at EbSvtAv1Enc.h:721:1 'Bool enable_manual_pred_struct', at offset 13248 (in bits) at EbSvtAv1Enc.h:724:1 'int32_t manual_pred_struct_entry_num', at offset 13280 (in bits) at EbSvtAv1Enc.h:727:1 6 data member insertions: 'int32_t lambda_scale_factors[7]', at offset 3392 (in bits) at EbSvtAv1Enc.h:893:1 'Bool enable_dg', at offset 3616 (in bits) at EbSvtAv1Enc.h:900:1 'uint8_t startup_mg_size', at offset 3624 (in bits) at EbSvtAv1Enc.h:914:1 'SvtAv1FrameScaleEvts frame_scale_evts', at offset 3648 (in bits) at EbSvtAv1Enc.h:923:1 'Bool enable_roi_map', at offset 3904 (in bits) at EbSvtAv1Enc.h:931:1 'uint8_t padding[63]', at offset 3912 (in bits) at EbSvtAv1Enc.h:932:1 84 data member changes: 'Bool high_dynamic_range_input' offset changed from 448 to 416 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'EbAv1SeqProfile profile' offset changed from 480 to 448 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'uint32_t tier' offset changed from 512 to 480 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'uint32_t level' offset changed from 544 to 512 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'Bool color_description_present_flag' offset changed from 576 to 544 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'EbColorPrimaries color_primaries' offset changed from 608 to 576 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'EbTransferCharacteristics transfer_characteristics' offset changed from 640 to 608 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'EbMatrixCoefficients matrix_coefficients' offset changed from 672 to 640 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'EbColorRange color_range' offset changed from 704 to 672 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'EbSvtAv1MasteringDisplayInfo mastering_display' offset changed from 736 to 704 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'EbContentLightLevel content_light_level' offset changed from 928 to 896 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'EbChromaSamplePosition chroma_sample_position' offset changed from 960 to 928 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'uint32_t rate_control_mode' offset changed from 992 to 960 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'uint32_t qp' offset changed from 1024 to 992 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'Bool use_qp_file' offset changed from 1056 to 1024 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'uint32_t target_bit_rate' offset changed from 1088 to 1056 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'uint32_t max_bit_rate' offset changed from 1120 to 1088 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'uint32_t max_qp_allowed' offset changed from 1184 to 1120 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint32_t min_qp_allowed' offset changed from 1216 to 1152 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint32_t vbr_bias_pct' offset changed from 1248 to 1184 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint32_t vbr_min_section_pct' offset changed from 1280 to 1216 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint32_t vbr_max_section_pct' offset changed from 1312 to 1248 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint32_t under_shoot_pct' offset changed from 1344 to 1280 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint32_t over_shoot_pct' offset changed from 1376 to 1312 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint32_t mbr_over_shoot_pct' offset changed from 1408 to 1344 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int64_t starting_buffer_level_ms' offset changed from 1472 to 1408 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int64_t optimal_buffer_level_ms' offset changed from 1536 to 1472 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int64_t maximum_buffer_size_ms' offset changed from 1600 to 1536 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'SvtAv1FixedBuf rc_stats_buffer' offset changed from 1664 to 1600 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int pass' offset changed from 1792 to 1728 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint8_t use_fixed_qindex_offsets' offset changed from 1824 to 1760 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int32_t qindex_offsets[6]' offset changed from 1856 to 1792 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int32_t key_frame_chroma_qindex_offset' offset changed from 2048 to 1984 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int32_t key_frame_qindex_offset' offset changed from 2080 to 2016 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int32_t chroma_qindex_offsets[6]' offset changed from 2112 to 2048 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int32_t luma_y_dc_qindex_offset' offset changed from 2304 to 2240 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int32_t chroma_u_dc_qindex_offset' offset changed from 2336 to 2272 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int32_t chroma_u_ac_qindex_offset' offset changed from 2368 to 2304 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int32_t chroma_v_dc_qindex_offset' offset changed from 2400 to 2336 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int32_t chroma_v_ac_qindex_offset' offset changed from 2432 to 2368 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'Bool enable_dlf_flag' offset changed from 2464 to 2400 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint32_t film_grain_denoise_strength' offset changed from 2496 to 2432 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint8_t film_grain_denoise_apply' offset changed from 2528 to 2464 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int cdef_level' offset changed from 2560 to 2496 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int enable_restoration_filtering' offset changed from 2592 to 2528 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int enable_mfmv' offset changed from 2624 to 2560 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint32_t scene_change_detection' offset changed from 2656 to 2592 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'Bool restricted_motion_vector' offset changed from 2688 to 2624 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int32_t tile_columns' offset changed from 2720 to 2656 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'int32_t tile_rows' offset changed from 2752 to 2688 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint32_t look_ahead_distance' offset changed from 2784 to 2720 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint8_t enable_tpl_la' offset changed from 2816 to 2752 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint32_t recode_loop' offset changed from 2848 to 2784 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint32_t screen_content_mode' offset changed from 2880 to 2816 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint8_t enable_adaptive_quantization' offset changed from 2912 to 2848 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'Bool enable_tf' offset changed from 2920 to 2856 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'Bool enable_overlays' offset changed from 2928 to 2864 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint8_t tune' offset changed from 2936 to 2872 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint8_t superres_mode' offset changed from 2944 to 2880 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint8_t superres_denom' offset changed from 2952 to 2888 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint8_t superres_kf_denom' offset changed from 2960 to 2896 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint8_t superres_qthres' offset changed from 2968 to 2904 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint8_t superres_kf_qthres' offset changed from 2976 to 2912 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'uint8_t superres_auto_search_type' offset changed from 2984 to 2920 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'Bool fast_decode' offset changed from 13312 to 2928 (in bits) (by -10384 bits) 'int32_t sframe_dist' offset changed from 13344 to 2944 (in bits) (by -10400 bits) 'EbSFrameMode sframe_mode' offset changed from 13376 to 2976 (in bits) (by -10400 bits) 'uint32_t channel_id' offset changed from 13408 to 3008 (in bits) (by -10400 bits) 'uint32_t active_channel_count' offset changed from 13440 to 3040 (in bits) (by -10400 bits) 'uint32_t logical_processors' offset changed from 13472 to 3072 (in bits) (by -10400 bits) 'uint32_t pin_threads' offset changed from 13504 to 3104 (in bits) (by -10400 bits) 'int32_t target_socket' offset changed from 13536 to 3136 (in bits) (by -10400 bits) 'EbCpuFlags use_cpu_flags' offset changed from 13568 to 3200 (in bits) (by -10368 bits) 'uint32_t stat_report' offset changed from 13632 to 3264 (in bits) (by -10368 bits) 'Bool recon_enabled' offset changed from 13664 to 3296 (in bits) (by -10368 bits) 'Bool force_key_frames' offset changed from 13672 to 3304 (in bits) (by -10368 bits) 'Bool multiply_keyint' offset changed from 13680 to 3312 (in bits) (by -10368 bits) 'uint8_t resize_mode' offset changed from 13688 to 3320 (in bits) (by -10368 bits) 'uint8_t resize_denom' offset changed from 13696 to 3328 (in bits) (by -10368 bits) 'uint8_t resize_kf_denom' offset changed from 13704 to 3336 (in bits) (by -10368 bits) 'Bool enable_qm' offset changed from 13712 to 3344 (in bits) (by -10368 bits) 'uint8_t min_qm_level' offset changed from 13720 to 3352 (in bits) (by -10368 bits) 'uint8_t max_qm_level' offset changed from 13728 to 3360 (in bits) (by -10368 bits) 'Bool gop_constraint_rc' offset changed from 13736 to 3368 (in bits) (by -10368 bits) ================ end of changes of 'libSvtAv1Enc.so.1.4.1'===============